Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy 2009!

Every year I get letters from friends wrapping up the year and detailing all that has happened to them over the course of the year. I never have time, although I think it's a marvelous idea. I love reading about friends near and far and keeping updated on their lives. So, as I was just walking on my treadmill for the first time in 2009, I thought that maybe I could do on this blog what others do through their letters. So here goes...

The Eades Family in 2008

Our year started out with great excitment as we welcomed Jada, our first grandbaby to the Eades family. Jada was born on January 15. Tim and I were not there for the birth but traveled the next day to see our beautiful granddaughter, along with Grace of course. Grace was super excited about being an aunt at the age of 8. Devin did a great job and has one of the cutest babies ever to love on. They are living in Dayton, so we don't get to see them often but try to get over as much as possible. We all just spent a few days together at Christmas and had a blast watching Jada open her first Christmas presents. She is definitely a cutie!

February came with some concern for us. Grace began having some bowel issues and our doctor quickly sent us to a GI doctor at Children's Hospital. We went in for a consultation and was told that Grace would need an endoscopy/colonoscopy. They scheduled it for March 6. Grace was an amazing trooper that day. She was so pleasant no doctor or nurse could believe it knowing what she had gone through the day before with no food and some pretty gross medicine for the "clean out." She wanted to prove to me that she could do it and she did! When the antistesiologist asked her if she wanted Tim or I to go back with her, she replied, "If they both can't go then I'll go by myself." And she did. They found inflammation and put her on medication. She finished it up in June and has done wonderful! No problems since.

Grace finished second grade in May. It was a difficult year health wise. From colds to bronchitis to pneumonia to pink eye (in both eyes) to the colonoscopy/endoscopy, it was a tough year. She missed 20 days of school, but yet still pulled off a great report card. We are incredibly proud of her. She started 3rd grade in the fall and has an amazing teacher. She's doing really well, continues to write stories and is just all around creative and fun. This fall she also started karate, so watch out...she's become quite the fighter. ;o)

Devin had Jada in January and is doing rather well at being a mommy. She lives and works in Dayton and I believe will be adding a roommate soon...Alison. Alison went to OSU Newark this fall. Although she enjoyed it (I believe) she has decided to move back to Dayton and enroll in an RN program there. She works at Chic-fil-A in Beavercreek...and I'm terribly jealous. No Chic-fil-A in Mount Vernon. :o( Alison has been dating a young man for about 4 months. Dan lives in Beavercreek and is going to Sinclair Community College for firefighting. They seem to be doing well.

Tim and I have had a pretty good year. Last December he finished his master's degree in ministry and began his doctoral program at Olivet in May. He's working on an Doctorate of Education in Ethical Leadership. He's already done with a rough draft of the first chapter of his dissertation. His advisor seems very pleased with his progress. He continues his role as Associate Vice President for Marketing and Adult and Graduate Studies Enrollment. The last part of the year has been more difficult for him as lots of changes were made in his area, but we're trusting that God is in control and ever faithful in leading us in the direction he wants us to go.

This was a year of change for me as well. I changed positions at the university. I am now the Director of the University Fund. This is a new area for me (fundraising) but one I think I will enjoy. Right now I'm still just trying to figure it all out. However, it's all about meeing people and talking about MVNU so how could I not like it. ;o) One nice benefit of our jobs is that Tim and I get to travel to San Diego next week. We both are attending different conferences that just happen to be at the same time in San Diego. My mom has agreed to come up and watch Grace. So, it should be fun for everyone!

I continue to teach as an adjunct and had a wonderful Expository writing class this fall. Probably one of the best groups of students I've ever had. Tim and I also lead a small group of college students. We read and discussed The Shack by William Young. If you haven't read it I would encourage you to. It is a great and challenging read (easy as well). I thoroughly enjoyed it!

As with every year there were certainly ups and downs. However, God has proven Himself faithful once again. What would we do without Him? Grace asked us all to tell our new year's resolution the other night. When asked what her's is, she replied, "to be closer to God." That is what it's all about my friend! What more could a mother ask for. He is so good!

Take care friends and may 2009 be blessed beyond anything you could ever ask for!


1 comment:

Kristib said...

Happy New Year! I think Patty knew what she was doing when she put us together for the siesta ornament exchange. (or maybe the Lord did) My husband is a missions pastor at Mount Vernon Baptist church here in Raleigh and is working on his degree through Liberty University's distance learning program. He is majoring in Biblical counseling.

I am an adjunct instructor at a private womens college and I teach Public Speaking, Interpersonal Communication, and Business and Professional Communication. Our classes begin January 12th.

Wait, there is more. I have recently been diagnosed with Crohns/ulcerative colitis. The doctor is not sure which it is currently. I will be having a second colonoscapy soon where my doctor will biopsy a suspisious area. I am currently on prednizone and a drug called 6mp. I knew nothing about these types of diseases until I was diagnosed recently. I now know first hand what Grace has gone through. Sounds like she was amazing. I complained a lot; especially during the preparation for the colonoscapy.

I received your box of goodies! I loved the Santa with the dogs! Your box will be on its way soon. I had a hectic Christmas. You see I am diabetic. I was only on oral medication before the holidays. Unfortunately, I wound up in the emergency room the day after Christmas with a glucose level of 500. Now I have a whole new life. I am taking 4 insulin shots daily. The prednizone causes blood glucose to sky rocket. I hope to get off insulin once I get off the prednizone for my bowel disease.

But God is good all the time and I praise Him for walking so closely with me during these trying times.
Please keep in touch! I want to know how Grace is doing. (and you as well) I really believe the Lord brought us together for a reason. My e-mail is Call me if you would like. 919-418-1172.

Much love!
Kristi B.